

Me Again Method


Me Again Method will show you exactly how to let go of the expectations we put on ourselves using a self-prioritizing practice—and finally allowing you to be the strong, empowered, beautiful mother you were made to be.


Hi mama, let’s get you feeling like YOU again.



For most ambitious moms, spending every day frustrated, exhausted, and overwhelmed is reality. With so much love to give, moms spend every waking moment caring for others and blind to the signs that their own cup is empty.


You may feel like your to do list is running you because you have a hard time saying "No" to anything.


But my friend, I see YOU.

You who… 

-Does it all without asking for help even though you’re breaking down inside.

-Has grown out hair and has kept it in a bun for three days.

-Is living in leggings and your husband’s T-shirts.

-Repeats yourself 100 times a day and always ends up snapping.

-Is trying to juggle all the things while simultaneously being peppered with mom guilt and feelings of failure.

A lot of moms think this is just life now. That this is normal. I’m here to tell you it’s NOT. And the scary truth is that there’s a fine line between mommy burnout and depression.  

There is a way out. And I’m here to give you the help you aren’t sure you deserve. (Spoiler alert: YOU DO).


Introducing Me Again Method, a deep dive program for living an easier, happier motherhood.


Me Again Method will show you exactly how to let go of the expectations we put on ourselves using a self-prioritizing practice—and finally allowing you to be the strong, empowered, beautiful mother you were made to be.

Look, this is hard. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. But just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you’re stuck with a life that ping pongs between weepy and anxious to numb and apathetic.


You know there has to be a better way. (There is). 


You’re in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how Me First Method will give you the tools, inspiration, and support on your journey to feeling like a warrior as you tackle this heavy yet rewarding job.


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Me Again Method
$97.00 USD

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Me Again Method
$97.00 USD


2 payments


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Your Order

Me Again Method
2 Payments of $50.00 USD Monthly

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Me Again Method
2 Payments of $50.00 USD Monthly