

Me Again Method


Me Again Method is for the mama who is ready to start prioritizing herself and find herself again. It will help you REMEMBER that your wellbeing & happiness is worth it and within your control. Its will help you start to figure out how to put yourself first during this season BECAUSE you fricken deserve it mama. 



Pay in Full $97
Self paced videos (on youtube)

Lifetime access



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Me Again Method
$97.00 USD

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Me Again Method
$97.00 USD


UPGRADE+ $297/month

1 months of Voxer (to 

have direct access to me)

Self paced videos (on youtube)

Lifetime access

1 call a month with me.


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Me Again Method
$297.00 USD

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Me Again Method
$297.00 USD

Hi mama, its time to put you FIRST and feel like you again not just in motherhood 

BUT in your life.



For most ambitious moms, spending every day frustrated, exhausted, and overwhelmed is reality. With so much love to give, you spend every waking moment caring for others and blind to the signs that your own cup is empty.


You may feel like your to do list is running you because you have a hard time saying "No" to anything. 

You dont love who you see looking back at you in the mirror each morning & you dont feel nearly as desirable to your partner as you want to be.

You feel like everyday is an up hill battle because everyone is pulling at you in all directions.

You feel like you just have to go to bed after you put your kids to bed because you are so exhausted & just feel like you are "putting" in your time to get through the days.


But I know you want...

To actually feel like you are WINNING as a mother.

You want to feel SOLID in your day to day.

And you want look back at your childrens childhood and not see a cranky mom who was resentful of her days,

BUT you want to see a mom who not only has all these amazing memories with her children BUT also put herself first and felt the best she has ever felt.

And the truth is.... just because you are a mom and 

you are busy doesnt mean you have to let yourself go.


Introducing Me Again Method, a deep dive program for living an easier, happier motherhood.


Me Again Method will help you ditch the beliefs that you dont have time to prioritize yourself because you are TOO busy, and start creating habits that dont just become a checklist for your to dos BUT actually POUR into you everyday.

Its time to take your power back, step into the WOMAN you deserve to be and prioritizing YOU.


You know there has to be a better way. (There is). 


You’re in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how Me First Method will give you the tools, inspiration, and support on your journey to feeling like a warrior as you tackle this heavy yet rewarding job.


Pay in Full $97
 Self paced videos (on youtube)

Lifetime access


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Me Again Method
$97.00 USD

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Me Again Method
$97.00 USD



1 months of Voxer (to 

have direct access to me)

Self paced videos (on youtube)

Lifetime access

1 call a month




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Your Order

Me Again Method
$297.00 USD

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Me Again Method
$297.00 USD